@JeffT: If you live in the EU - no
There are plenty of examples when it comes to Muslims, if you say following Sharia is evil for allowing a Muslim pedophile to be married to a young child, you can be convicted of hate speech (and yes, this happens) - https://www.nationalreview.com/2018/10/free-speech-sharia-european-court-of-human-rights-ruling/
You can say some things that are considered truisms (eg. Nazi's are evil and KKK is evil) but that is only because it fits in the current government narrative that only white people are bad. But if you speak out against Mecca, people from non-white origins, if you say bad things about communists, about gays or transgenders, or even simply do not agree with the demands they impose upon you to call them male/female or other pronoun, then that is considered hate speech.